Pinterest Inspiration: Ruffled T-Shirt Scarf and Rosettes

Today was the first day back at school for the new year, and I'd been obsessed with Pinterest while we were gone. I wanted to come back with something new, so I decided to go for a trifecta. I made a gentle green t-shirt scarf (instructions here!) and rosettes to match. The rosettes were used the instructions for coffee filter roses, but they turned out the same. Here's that blog.  The t-shirt was one that Kevin was donating, so free is awesome! 

The hair comes one awesome hair stylist, Kate. I found her via Pinterst and her blog of hair styles is wonderful. Even better for me is that she explains everything..even what's in her hair and how to curl it. I never knew how to properly curl my hair...well, now I do and I LOVE it! It has gotten so many compliments and my husband is nearly mush when I wear it this way. <3  Thanks a million, Kate!!!!

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