Pinterest Inspiration with an April Twist: Melted Crayon Art

All over Pinterest you can find a really cool art: melted crayons, as seen here. I couldn't wait to try it out...I had a box of 120 Crayolas perfect for use.  I had a canvas laying around from a project I did in college, but I wanted to save it for something else (future family tree, thanks Pinterest!). So, I went rummaging in our linen closet. I remembered when we moved in to our house five years ago, we found these two cute, three pictures each, frames at Target for $5 on the clearance. We put them aside, waiting for the right place and pictures. Yeah, five years later.... When brainstorming what I wanted to do for this project, I immediately thought of the frames and thought about dividing the different colors into each spot. I had no idea where I would put them until our preschooler asked what I was doing. His room is bright jungle green and I thought right away these would look great in his room, and his walls needed an update anyway. He gave the idea a big thumbs up!  Then the project hit a snag: I thought they were shadow box-like frames because of the double panes of glass. Nope. So, I had to take off the back glass (not easy at all!) and then measure each box, cut the poster board accordingly, and then glue on the crayons with the trusty hot glue gun. I took them outside to melt with the high setting on the hair dryer. But, i found out quickly that they curl when cooling so i had to adjust them while drying. Overall, it turned out pretty cool. Alex is very happy with it, as you can tell by his fingerprints on the glass.....

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