A Peek Inside...

Oh, poor neglected blog!

Life Got In the Way. That's the title of one of our favorite Sister Hazel songs, and it's often the sound track of our lives. Life has been so busy since the last time I blogged. But, now that summer has graced us with its presence, I have some more time. Some. Not tons yet, but it's better.

In the mean time, we've been busy with the end of school, the end of soccer season, redesigning our music room, and repainting the interior of our house (a huge task, let me assure you). All three are finished (except painting the doors), so now we turn to our own personal projects. This summer, we are taking time for ourselves: date times for the two of us, family outings, and projects on our own. 

The blog is about to get a make-over. I've got to sit and find a way to make each tab work correctly. I have an adventure to add to the Outdoors tab which included my husband and I kayaking down a swift flooded river and not being able to find our pull out point...while we were miles away from any civilization. Yes, it was awesomely fun!! :)

Anyway, stay tuned!!

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