A Peek Inside...

Pinterest Inspiration: Cup Light and Chalkboard Paint

Yeah, my lab is something I'm proud of. My hubby poured his love into making it and I can't begin to count the hours I've put into researching, developing, and writing all the curriculum I use for the labs. This page is dedicated specifically for the two items that I use in the lab that were Pinterest Inspirations: chalkboard paint and the cup light.
I know I'm going out of order, but I want to talk about the light first...because it's awesome and has such a bigger impact that I even imagined it would.  The light is simply made: plastic cups, a stapler, a light cord, and I used zip ties to connect the light and cups.  I followed all the directions here  and the author did a great job of explaining it well. My light cord was purchased at IKEA for $2.99 and the blue cups from The Dollar Tree for a dollar for 16. I estimate that I spent about $10. The light is huge...nearly three feet in diameter and it lets out only a little light, which is perfect. I use my projector almost all day and need dim lighting. The students called it a disco light and because they know I geek out to recycling, they thought it was awesome that is made from recyclable materials :)

Now, on to the chalkboard paint.  I wanted the blue surfaces on the desk to be written on like blueprint paper, just like on MythBusters, so it was necessary to find chalkboard paint. Through Pinterest, I found Martha Stewart's recipe which called for unsanded grout and paint. That's it! Measure accordingly, mix, roll on, condition (taking chalk and writing, then wiping off), and enjoy! I was so surprised with how easy it was...and how awesome it looks!  THANKS PINTEREST!!!

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