Outdoor Life: Oh, the Importance of Bike Maintenance

Today I learned a hard lesson: always check your bike's components before riding. My hubby and I went on a local mountain bike course today to get some fresh air and exercise. We haven't had much rain here in Florida, so the sand and leaves were a bit loose and I found myself having to break really hard to gain control (but it was so much fun!!).  I could tell my rear break was weak and resolved to fixing it before the next ride. i haven't been in the habit of checking my bike before a ride, a mistake, I know.

The trail exits right on to pavement and we'd gained some speed coming back in to the lot with our car. I had been leaning forward on my handle bars aerobars style and we began to approach our car. I pulled hard on the breaks and got no juice from the right (rear break) and complete juice from the left (front break) and if you learned anything from physics, that made for a perfect flip. All my momentum from the rear lifted me forward, face first on to the pavement and the bike rolled over me. Thankfully i was OK, banged and scraped up, but nothing broke. My helmet was my saving grace. Not only did it scuff the ground, my bike seat came flying over and knocked into it. I had to lay there for a while (in front of other riders and visitors at the neighboring dog park) but I am proud I didn't cry. God did i want to though!  I did let the tears fall when my husband helped clean me up at home with Hibiclens. Ouch. All in all, I scrapped my chin, shoulder, and elbow, as well as bruised my thigh. But, no stitches, broken bones, or concussions...just bruised pride and I can deal with that. It's my style...what I call Aprilisms.  Oh! But I didn't break my phone (that's another story...later).

Anyway, lesson here is check your equipment and always wear a helmet. It sure saved me today!!

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