A Peek Inside...

Hello It's Me

Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to get to know me!

My name is April, and yes, I'm born in April (you would be surprised how rare that is!). My husband, Kevin, and I are both teachers, professions that are perfect for our loves and talents. We are a couple who believes teaching isn't just a career, it's a lifestyle. The teaching lends us the opportunity to be creative, be charitable, and create change. We teach in the schools we both attended as children.  I teach fourth grade science and math. We are also both coaches: my husband was a leading part of creating the cross-country program in our county's middle schools eight years ago and I gladly serve as his assistant. We have a huge program: 125 sixth - eighth graders!
Sports keep me sane. I'm diagnosed ADHD/ADD...I'm that woman who wakes up and washes the car at 8AM on the weekend and doesn't stop. I'm driven by a motor. So, sports give me a physical outlet to burn my energy and stay focused. I love triathlons, kayaking (especially whitewater!), mountain bike, basically anything that keeps me busy.  And, Vyvanse is my saving grace.

I am a novice cook. I used to burn water (i blame my at the time undiagnosed ADHD). I'm getting better and last year made leaps and bounds. I don't love to cook and I'm blessed to have a husband who does! I do love to bake though. 

Pinterest is my best friend. With so many projects, I'm never bored and always busy...for me that's critical. When I'm bored, I'm grumpy! I am enjoying all the projects and inspirations I find on Pinterest and love sharing what I've done.

Music inspires me. I'm very eclectic in the music I like. My elementary music teacher changed my life when she inspired my love for music.  I have been playing clarinet, mostly now in my church, for  years. I am also a low bass handbell ringer in my church's impressive choir. I am a huge fan of both Sister Hazel (fans refer to themselves as Hazelnuts) and 30 Seconds to Mars. The title of my blog, World Inside My Head, comes from a Sister Hazel song.

I am married to my high school sweetheart. We are truly blessed to enjoy many of the same hobbies and support each other in our individual endeavors. I love how he is logical, generous, intelligent, and an amazing father. Life has given us an awesome journey and I look forward to the ride ahead...
We have two beautiful sons, Taylor (14) and Alex (6). Taylor is sweet and laid back. He is incredibly caring and is the greatest big brother anyone could ask for. Alex is a true mess. He is the most enjoyable ball of energy energy imaginable and he is so smart and funny. He is his daddy through and through, even though he completely resembles me.  God couldn't have given us two bigger blessings.

I can't leave out my little babies: Chester and Tucker, our dog and bunny. We found Chester three years ago in the pound. We wanted to rescue a dog, so we visited our county's Animal Control office. We were looking for something smaller, about knee height. I had always had large dogs so for us to find him in the back of the kennel and know he was the one ws a surprise. The day before we picked m up the shelter called and informed us that the kennel had a severe case of distemper, an incurable neurological virus that is cruel for dogs, resulting in necessary euthanasia. We could reconsider if we wished, but if we kept Chester, he ran a better than not chance to dying. We took our chance and the next three weeks were some of the most nervous we'd encountered. Three years later, he's still here.  Also pictured is my classroom bunny, Tucker.

This year our hearts also welcomed another pet...my classroom chick. More on her later, but she is really the coolest pet of all time.  This is my sweetheart, Clara Cluck.
So, in a nutshell, that's me.
Channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn in front of Tiffany & Co. in New York City

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