A Peek Inside...

On my own: Recipe 1: Chicken Pot Pie

I made this recipe last weekend and the weather is one of the reasons why. It had been dark and rainy for literally over 48 hours straight and the temperatures were quite cool. It was weather that I loved, but one of my friends was also losing her mother at the same time so it was truly a melancholy weekend. For whatever reason, I had the urge to cook something (maybe because my friend and her mom are wonderful generous cooks?)  I wanted comfort food, so I pulled out my own recipe...and it's a good one.  My chicken pot pie is awesome, and I'll happily admit it.  It takes about four hours, start to finish.

A few Black Fridays ago, I purchased a food processor and found that it did wonders for making dough. Unfortunately, I had a mishap when I was processing some meat for Kevin's meatballs and it went, uh, kablooey. I stuck a wooden spoon too far down the shoot. Yeah. That's me.  That meant that this time around I had to make the dough by hand. I use the Martha Stewart pie crust recipe. But, since I was making it for pot pie, I wanted it to have a little more flavor. So, instead of using unsalted butter like she uses, I used salted butter and just held back on the amount of salt I put in the recipe. I mixed everything together and mashed it together with my knuckles...yep, really making this by hand.

While the discs sat chilling in the fridge, I went ahead and started the filling. I use the recipe Chicken Pot Pie IX from allrecipes.com and I take some of the suggestions from the users. The recipe alone will be too dry, so I make more of the broth and milk mixture (2c and 1c respectively). I also used two cubes of bullion when I boiled the chicken and vegetables (i normally would have used broth but didn't have enough...this was a good substitute). I also change out the veggies with what I have at the time. I don't add in celery because it's not a family favorite. I normally use carrots, but didn't have any so I added potatoes (win!). I also back down the amount of peas by half. I dashed in some frozen corn as well...I guess I threw in half a cup?  Instead of celery, i used celery salt after i had the milk-broth mixture and it helped to add a little extra flavor.

Before i put the filling in, I lined the pie pan with the lower crust and baked at 425*  for five minutes to give it a head start. Once it's all in the oven, it doesn't take too long and it smells delicious. It was a reallllly yummy batch and I was happy to take leftovers the next day. The picture I used is from allrecipes.com because I realized as i was packing up leftovers that I didn't take a picture. Mine looked just like this one...minus broccoli :)

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