A Peek Inside...

Recipe 5: Sweet Braised Beef Brisket with Garlic

WARNING: If you have high blood pressure, hypertension, are at risk for heart attack, salt-related migraines, or have sensitive stomachs or even taste buds, proceed with caution.

Recipes are a scary thing for me. When I see one, I relate to something I have knowledge about...which is bad because I often set myself up for disappointment.   When I read the recipe for the sweet braised beef brisket with garlic, it reminded me of sliced beef sandwiches from Sonny's or Oakwood. Yum!!!  I purchased a brisket (I had to ask what the heck it was and where to find it) and I followed the recipe through and through. It should have registered right away when I had to braise it with three cups of chicken broth. I let it cook away for two hours, soaking up alllll that broth (ok, not really all).  When it finished, I sliced it up, piled it up on garlic toast, doused it with barbecue sauce and the first few bites were delicious. And, yes, that's all we could eat. My family and I tried to eat the sandwiches, but the salt was killing us. It was one of the most salty foods I've ever eaten. My sweet hubby reminded me that I can always try again.  ::sigh:: 

**Edit: I later discovered that broth and stock are not the same thing. Oops...yeah. SMH.

All was not in vain though. It was a good learning experience: I minced garlic for the first time and I reallllly enjoyed cooking!! I loved the smells and the prep. It was one of the first times I felt confident in the kitchen and I didn't think I was going to truly eff-up our food...

...I did burn a potholder in the making though.  Now I have to bake more brownies because we're all dying for something sweet...along with a dose of Rolaids.

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