A Peek Inside...

Recipe 3: Cheesy Roasted Chicken Cutlets w/Bread Crumbs

Yes, I'll admit. It's been a while since my last post. Life is always crazy when we head back to school, our schedules have been back to wacko, and our toddler's been sick. This lead to Hubby cooking dinner, or us relying on fast food. Definitely not the way we prefer, but it is what it is. So, when I found out my evening was open, I took the opportunity to cook.

We do our grocery shopping once a month. It's been our routine since our newlywed days and is what fiscally works best for our family. Well, it's two days until we go shopping and it seems like we're just about out of every ingredient, no matter how creative we get. So, this evening when I flipped through Mark's cookbook, I had to be very judicious about what I chose.  This lead me to the recipe I tried tonight: Cheesy Roasted Chicken Cutlets w/Bread Crumbs.  Being that we were out of bread crumbs (yes, that too), I had to make my own using some hamburger buns (not Mark's recommendation, for sure!) and Italian seasoning I added on a whim. Overall, it didn't turn out too bad. I loved it, but it wasn't the favorite by the family.  I made my yummy mashed potatoes with chicken gravy and some green beans (and yes, I forgot to add water to the frozen beans, haha!), but something was still missing. Later on, it hit me that this recipe needs some kind of sauce...like a cheesy or creamy sauce to slather on top. Au Gratin potaotes would have been yummy, but I a) didn't have the ingredients and b)had only one box, which isn't enough to feed all four of us.  I also wished I could have made corn bread, but when you've got one oven, that's all you can do.  So, while I will retry this recipe, I'm now on the hunt to figure out what to do. Any suggestions?

Tomorrow's looking like it might be open as well...maybe I'll give something else a shot :)

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