A Peek Inside...

So, here we go!

So, the day has come. I guess it's finally time. After years of putting it off, relying on my husband, and making excuses, I decided it was time to suck it up. I asked for a how-to-cook cookbook for Christmas.  Why is this so bad?  Because, you see, I am not, at ALL, a good cook. I've burned water...twice. I am impatient with a timer. I have other things I'd rather do.  Yes, I can make up any excuse to get out of it. 

I am a lucky girl, for sure. My husband, my high school sweetheart, adores cooking and is an amazing cook. It's a passion of his, a way he shows our family he loves us (and do I LOVE to eat his delicious dinners!!). He's ever-so patient with me when I try to make dinner and has offered more times than I can remember, that he'd love to teach me. But, to be honest, I'm hardheaded and don't want to listen. So, I took Christmas as the opportunity for me to do this myself (and ask him questions along the way...stupid, I know). And, without fail, my DH came through. After much research, he ordered Mark Bittman's How to Cook EverythingTo my surprise Christmas morning, I was very excited to receive it and began reading from the front cover. It's a great book so far, explaining every detail and giving pictures for how to (YAY for pictures!!).  I had to learn how to navigate it, for sure. It's not just a conglomeration of recipes; it really breaks things down for the beginner...which I appreciate.

For one of my new year's resolutions (yes, I'm one of those people), I vowed to become a better cook, not just for my children, but so I can please my husband, and feel confident in myself and in the kitchen (which my hubby already finds me dusty and in an apron sexy, haha!!)   So, this blog, even if it's just for myself, will follow my journey with Mark Bittman in learning how to cook.  Yes, I'm kind of afraid, definitely intimidated. But, I think I can do it...

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